Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's My Blog, I'll Lie if I Want To

Okay, it’s going to be harder than I thought to become a blogger.  I tried to create a blog, but in order to start the blog, I had to name the blog.  Every title that occurred to me was already taken:  That’s Just Me, The Accidental Gourmet, Real Life, Loving Life, Coloring Outside the Lines, Outside the Box, Off the Hook, Boomer Woman, even Guppy (that explanation will have to be a whole other post).  In case you’re looking for a name for your own blog, 1z2xy is still available, but I thought it would be too hard to remember, and it doesn’t have anything to do with what my blog would be about.  I wish there were a simple title that would let you know who I am, like the Pioneer Woman.  She lives on a ranch out west, she has a family, her home is comfortable and rustic, she’s into do-it-yourself (including homeschooling), and she cooks down-to-earth food.  I live in the Midwest in a sort of “ranch” style house, my kids are grown, I have grandkids, my home is a jumble of decorating styles, I am shifting from do-it-yourself to I’m-trying-to-create-jobs-by-hiring-people-do-do-that-for-me, and I am an accidental chef mostly because my husband is temporarily disabled. 
I am not really a retiree, so that can’t be what my blog is about.  I took early retirement from teaching school a couple of years ago, but I still have a part-time job as a records clerk at the police department. 
I like to do things that are creative, so I write, dabble in crafts, frequently redecorate (on the cheap), and enjoy the occasional project on Pinterest.  If I had my life to live over, I’d have a different career:  I’d be one of those people who designs movie sets or makes the stuff at Disney World seem real.
I like to travel in the United States, but I don’t do well in Canada, so I’m afraid to stray to foreign countries.   Guess my life isn’t all about my travels.
I think I have a good sense of humor, but it seems that everyone likes to think that about him or herself (even people who don’t).
I’m spiritual, but, Lord knows, I’m not qualified to lead others in religion.
So I don’t know what my blog is about, except me, what I like to dabble in, and what I find interesting.  I don’t know if anyone else will find it interesting enough to read, but I’m going to pretend they do. 
It’s my blog, after all.